Cervical osteochondrosis

Neck pain in women

Little modern people have not heard of osteochondrosis. Most of them have several police officers experienced the symptoms of this disease. The wide diffusion of the disease involves prolonged sitting at a computer, the passive and the style of life, the bad Group, etc. osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is manifested by pain, muscle weakness, limitation of mobility and other a series of symptoms.

Do not ignore the signs of osteochondrosis, because the sooner treatment begins, the faster you get rid of the disease. The initial In stages, conservative treatment: medication, physical therapy, massage, etc. The appearance of complications and the destruction of the bone structure and the cartilage assigned to the operation.

What and

Osteochondrosis neck and a pathology which is found only in humans. The Animals do not suffer. Due to This the available vertical of the spine. In this position, the vertebrae squeeze the other which leads to the fact that intervertebral discs a little and a little are destroyed.

The neck of the uterus is composed of 7 vertebrae, which are between them, separated by clubs. The vertebral column, a mobile phone enough, for which reason one of the more vulnerable sections of the spine. The weakest link of the cervical spine intervertebral disc, a the, that it mainly reflects degenerative changes.

The prevalence of cervical degenerative disc disease explained by the weakness of the muscular corset around the neck area. In addition, this site hosts the vertebrae are the size of small, structures that have different narrow and are too much for the other. And therefore that even a charge small on the neck can trigger its displacement and also compression of blood vessels and piegaro branches. With the tweak to artery of the vertebral, and located in the interior of the spine in this area, there are dangerous complications.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (SHOP) opposite the protrusion (displacement of the core nucleus pulposus sense to damage the outer shell), and herniated disc. These structures compress the nerve bundles, blood vessels.

Due to changes in the degenerative intervertebral discs increases the likelihood of spurs of bone (osteophytes) in the areas of the joints vertebrae. Because of this the spinal canal narrow and compresses neurovascular is that of education.

Help'. In medical statistics from the cervical osteochondrosis often affects people over the age of 35. Although there are now un the rejuvenation of the disease, which often develops in patients more than 20 years. Due to That the predominantly sedentary lifestyle and poor Group.

Doctors have identified 4 stages of the pathology:

  • Stage 1 – begins to break the cartilage, the separation between the vertebrae. In this phase of the disease has removed the symptoms. Unfortunately, patients do not leave notice.
  • Stage 2 – pressure vertebral disc'height and reduced, the integrity of its outer shell is broken. In this stage may manifest protrusion. There is pain, limitation of mobility of the neck, the possible violation of the sensitivity of the person.
  • 3 degree – protrusion transformirovalsya hernia compresses in which the blood vessels and muscles. In addition to the pain syndrome there is pain in the head, dizziness.
  • Degree 4 – the formacio of osteophytes to stabilize the vertebrae, but the fibers little nervous. The pain does not disappear, there is no stiffness, damaged neighboring vertebrae, there are neurological symptoms.

And important to start the treatment for 1 – 2 stages to avoid examining serious complications that can only be corrected surgically.


Osteochondrosis of the STORE, a complex and a long process that can occur under the influence of many negative factors.

For example, the elderly, the disease is associated with age-related changes of the body. Then, degenerative changes occur as a result of the violation of the villagers of the circulation of the blood, metabolism, weakening of the immune system.

However, the doctors s have identified the main causes of cervical degenerative disk disease:

  • Incorrect posture.
  • The curvature of the spine.
  • Lesions of the cervical segment.
  • The excess of weight.
  • Tiring physical work.
  • Remain sitting at your computer.
  • Passive style of life.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Marta hypothermia of the neck.
  • Evil organization of the bed (too soft mattress and high pillow).
  • Frequent stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Congenital alterations of The structure of the SHOP.
  • Autoimmune diseases that cause degeneration of the cartilage.
  • Infection.
  • Characteristics of the parts of the body, for example, very long or short neck.

Under the influence of these factors began to deploy the structure intervertebral, bone tissue, damaged nerve bundles, blood vessels.


The clinical picture of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (OSOP) varied. For this reason, patients find it difficult to understand what happens. Manifestations Early in the disease is often blamed to fatigue. Original works of art And the appearance of the symptoms of the fever to the doctor, but in this case, irreversible changes we are presents I restore the structure of the uterine neck not succeed.

Pain in the neck in osteochondrosis

Early symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  • Pain in the neck to the shoulders.
  • The weakening of the muscles that surround the segment concerned of the spine.
  • Excess of secretion of the sweat.
  • The violation of the sensitivity of the upper limbs.
  • Disorders of coordination of movements.
  • Cephalalgia (headache).
  • Vertigo (dizziness).
  • Disorders of hearing, of vision.
  • Jumps in the blood pressure, etc.

The nature of the pain of osteochondrosis with any of the highlights: paroxysmal, persistent, throbbing, dull. This symptom is manifested due to spasm of the vessels of the brain, compression of the fibres of the nerve cervical, intracranial increase of pressure.

When OSHOP pain does not always appear in the place of the cervical segment, it can extend to the shoulders and arms. Discomfort The pot about original works of art of sleep, sudden movements, the tension of the neck, for example, coughing or sneezing.

Osteochondrosis SHOP pressure surges s observed, depending on The time of day, so constant hypertension unusual pathology. Usually when the pressure of the experience of the following symptoms: cephalalgia, pain in hands at the lack of sensitivity in the cervical area. Pressure drops are often original works of art observed in piegaro or muscle tension, prolonged stay in an awkward position.

Syndromes of cervical osteochondrosis

OSOP When there are destinations syndromes (typical of the state, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms). Its manifestation depends on which piegaro branches and blood vessels are damaged.

Syndromes of cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • Artery vertebral arises as a result of compression or irritation artery of thread that feeds the brain. Then, the patient suffers from disorders of hearing, vision, dizziness, pressure, headaches, etc.
  • Heart disease – develops when the compression of the nerve bundles Innervate the diaphragm or the chest muscle. Original work of art there is burning pain in the chest, shortness of breath, weakness, palpitations of the heart.
  • Hypertension – caused by the compression of the veins, the impairment causing the output of the blood from the head. Then, the intracranial increase of pressure, the patient suffers from cephalgia, nausea, vomiting.
  • Cervical migraine – caused by the of that compression piegaro surround the artery spinal. Original work of art migrenepodobna unbearable there is pain in the neck. The attack lasted about 10 hours I often accompanied by the emergence of vomit.
  • The spine the symptoms and Marta in as soon as possible. And caused by the compression of the fibres in the nerve vertebrae of the cervical segment. In violation of the conductivity 1 of 2 of the spine cervical vertebra sensitivity s changes or there is a pain in the neck. Damage 3 pairs of sleep the language, the area behind the ears, and difficult to chew foods. Inflammation of 4 pair of roots, and accompanied by pain in the collarbone, hiccups, difficulty swallowing. Violation If the of the of conductivity 5 – 8 pairs of nerve fibers, the patient difficult to move the hands.
Help'. Often, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is manifested by several symptoms, then the diagnosis and difficult. Therefore, not necessary for the un itself to understand, and best to consult the experts.


If you don't know what to do if I see symptoms suspects, and consult your best doctor. And necessary If the your doctor should refer you to the orthopedist, spine, a neurologist.

With the diagnosis of the research the following instrumental examinations:

  • The two rays of sunshine-x.
  • Computer or magnetic-resonance tomography.
  • Electroneuromyography.

All of these studies provide some information about the cervical spine. For example, the two rays x, CT, MRI are used to detect pathological changes in the structure of the spine. Electromyography allows us to evaluate the state of the nerve fibres.

Use of the x-ray, which is held in different projections, and the possible to detect the accumulation of calcium salts, the reduction of the height of the cartilage pads between the vertebrae, the deformation of the SHOP, the presence of bone spurs, etc.


The therapy as soon as possible and must be comprehensive. The decision on the selection of methods is carried out by the doctor according to the stage of the disease, the severity of the symptoms.

Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine and long and complex. To complete the cure of the disease and unlikely, especially if we are talking about a patient of advanced age. However, to stop the degenerative disorders in the cervical segment, and is possible at any time.

In the early stages of the disease apply conservative methods: medicines, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, orthopaedic devices. Most of the above methods can be applied at home.

3 to 4 stage and accompanied by the destruction of not only cartilage, but also of the vertebral body, may need surgical intervention.

To get rid of the pain, the inflammation, the muscle relaxes tension, to improve the following conditions cartilage tissue help medication:

  • Analgesics. With strong pain can help to take a pill metamizol sodium. For this purpose, we used Aine, that allow us to cope not only with the pain and the inflammation.
  • Steroids stop the inflammation and the pain. With this purpose, the use of drugs based on hormones in the form of pills or ointments.
  • Muscle relaxants help to relax the spastic muscles around the damaged area. For this purpose, solutions for use by the administration parenteral in function of benzimidazole. They normalize the muscle tone, and decrease pain.
  • Antispasmodics how to help combat the pain and muscle spasms.
  • Vitamins speed up the recovery of the nervous system. For this purpose, taking drugs from elements of group b, A, C, D, and E. the Quite effective in vitamins, minerals, complex.
Help'. If the pain and very strong, and analgesics oral not are the assistant, then your doctor may prescribe procaine blockade. The injections with the use of anesthesia or steroid solutions are put directly into the nidus. This can only be done by an experienced specialist.

In the complex therapy using creams, gels, ointments with anti-inflammatory, warming, analgesic effect.

Alleviate the condition of patients, to improve their physical form, prescribe physiotherapy. Exercises help to strengthen the muscles around the neck, improve metabolic processes, accelerate blood circulation, a relieve the weakness and tension in a spine.

Especially with ASHOP popular gymnastics, and is generally carried out in the gym with special equipment. However, if you want to train at home.

Exercises with cervical osteochondrosis

Complex therapy of physical in cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Well tilt your head to the shoulder units, lock in 30 seconds I, original works of art, repeat movement on the other side.
  • Tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest, then lift it up and slightly forward.
  • Put the head a bit, turn to the right and to the shoulder original works of art to the left.
  • Press the right hand to left shoulder, lift your elbow a bit. Work of art Original the head to turn to the right, hold, feel the tension of the muscles.
  • This exercise is done in the third, only during the rotation of the head increase your hands over your head and stepside them.
  • Hands on your knees, spread them to the other side, trying to connect to the pales, at the same time understand the chin up. So they have worked for and thoracic.
  • Stand up, put your hands down, pull the neck forward, trying to touch the chin to the shoulder.

Before the classes to make un set to heat up and take a shower to relax the muscles. Original works of art to make the tram.

To treat the back pain from the neck lower through the physical therapy:

  • In The UHF band.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Electrophoresis with drugs, etc.

Magnetic therapy relieves inflammation and pain. UHF and treatment with laser, it accelerates the metabolism of the affected area, helps to remove the heads. Through electrophoresis, the drugs penetrate into the center of inflammation through the skin, where they exert their action.

Massage normalizes muscle tone, improves blood flow to the damaged areas, the improvement of the trophic tissue. The end In the course which usually consists of 10 procedures for the progression of degenerative processes of the cervical spine.

A home Tibetan you can use the device of the un applicator of plastic with a lot of thorns. The device has to go or apply it to the affected area. The applicator helps relieve pain, relaxes the muscles, circulation improvement of blood and of physical activity.

The neck of the Trench, used for pain. This brace locks the neck in the correct position reduces the load on the vertebrae, and relieves the pain.

In the complex treatment of the patient will be able to get rid of degenerative disc disease of the neck forever. However, a possible if the disease is identified in the phase 1. In other cases, comprehensive measures will help to stop the progression of the disease.

Chondrosis of the cervical area.

Many people who believe the I chondrosis and osteochondrosis a disease. However, this view and is wrong. The first disease cartilage affects only the separator of the vertebral and the second degenerative changes of the bone tissue. And say, chondrosis, in the first stage of osteoarthritis.

Chondrosis of the neck of the uterus develops when alters the metabolism of the intervertebral disc. Then, collagen fibers are replaced by useless fibrous tissue, hyaline cartilage obyzvestvleniya, it becomes less elastic. Decreases The seva'height, it loses the function of the vertebrae.

Causes of chondrosis and osteoarthritis are no different.

Cervical chondrosis has the following characteristics:

  • Rapid fatigue of the muscles surrounding the SHOP.
  • Incorrect posture.
  • Occasional discomfort or light pain in the affected area.
  • The limitation of the mobility of the neck.

As a general rule, the symptoms patients notice no chondrosis. To identify the disease by chance during an x-ray or an MRI.


Treatment plan chondrosis neck and a little bit different tactics of treatment of degenerative disc disease. The first disease doctors prescribe Aine and hondroprotektory. In addition, the patient should avoid examining the excess of physical activity or prolonged sitting. It is recommended to perform physiotherapy, eat right, give up bad habits.

Additional therapies include massage, manual therapy. Also shown physiotherapy are, for example, electrophoresis, irradiation, ultraviolet, amplipulse, diadynamic therapy, balneotherapy, mud treatment. Its effectiveness in the treatment of chondrosis shown that acupuncture (acupuncture).


In the majority of cases, the patients can get rid of the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease for a while, I original work of art of the disease to return. Generally that, due to the fact that the patient's original works of art seek medical assistance or not, and in compliance with the recommendations of the doctor during the treatment. But there are those who are going to heal as soon as possible and not deal with their symptoms.

"I was diagnosed osteochondrosis of the neck in 2 stages. Doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory and pills injections. Original work of art that the pain has disappeared, began to go to the nursery, doing special exercises, used the ointment. Original works of art of the course of treatment I felt significant relief. However, original works of art of 3 months, the pain in the neck again appeared. Therefore, the policy had to start again."
"She has lived a long time with the cervical osteochondrosis. Visit the un periodically chiropractor sets the spine. But above all, help me to therapeutic exercise. The doctor told me some very you exercises complex-a special that I try to do every day. But as soon as you miss a few classes, once again, there is pain".
"Cervical degenerative disc disease at the first stage very and tractable. He as well was more. At first, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy, relieve pain and inflammation. Then, it complemented the treatment with exercises, massage, acupuncture. In addition, he has visited the pool, he began to take vitamins, eat well. To forget the pain forever, I totally had to change my life. There are No special exercises no a day that passes, however, more the fact that I don't have any pain, physical form, and improving. I already do not feel pain and continue to lead un-healthy lifestyle."

Main results

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and an insidious disease that manifests a variety of symptoms. It is not always the patient understand what is really happening to him. And with the appearance of intense pain rushes to the doctor, but this symptom indicates the presence of changes in the degenerative segment, cervical. In this case, to restore the state of the spine is a fail. Then, the un treatment that helps to stop the progression of the disease and to avoid examining serious consequences. The therapy of osteoarthritis and complex and a long process that requires patience, discipline. Original works of art to eliminate the pain and inflammation of the patient should regularly perform physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy, apply orthopedic appliances, eat well, give up bad habits. And important to bring un healthy lifestyle, adhere to a moderate physical activity, weight control to control the position. In this case you can Only reverse the disease and live a full life.